03 January 2010

The torture followed me to 2010

First Sunday of 2010 and the Sunday Hair Ritual is still here! I can't seem to shake that sucker.  Thank goodness the Little One was sick (LOL).....because that means i only had to wash one head of hair instead of two.  I decided to take a picture of the Big One (after she moaned and groaned and refused to give me even an inkling of a smile).

Freshly washed and dried.....

2.5 hours later (decided she need to change her shirt; peel, cut, and eat an apple, find a video on youtube, etc.....

When it was time for the Little One to get hers done, I was too lazy/frustrated to pull the camera back out.  I'll get her next time....her and her little dog, too!

Peace People!


  1. Totally impressive braiding. God didn't give me hair fixin' talents at all so my daughter looks like a street urchin most of the time. On a completely unrelated note my son wants me to knit him a hat just like the one in your photo. Guess I have to find a pattern. He wants dreds and to be honest...some people can wear them and look good...he will not be one of those people, but he can find that out for himself.

  2. Now that is talent and patience!
